Welcome to University College Birmingham
We are looking forward to welcoming you to our university family and we hope you are excited at the prospect of studying with us and taking their next steps in achieving your career goals.
Starting a degree can be an overwhelming time, which is why we’ve put together a series of induction and welcome events to guide you through every step.
If you have any questions about your offer, arriving in the UK or your student visa, please complete our enquiry form here.
The information below covers:
Online registration and enrolment
Step 1 – Complete your online registration
If you have been offered a place at University College Birmingham, you will be sent an email from our Admissions team to complete your online registration. It is really important that you complete your online registration before you are able to proceed to online enrolment.
To complete online registration, students will be sent a text and an email. The text message you receive will contain your UCB student ID, and the email that is sent to you will contain a unique URL link that will allow you to create your university student account with us.
Once you have completed creating your account, you will then be directed to complete your online registration. To access your student portal, click here.
Important - if you have not received your email or text message, call our Admissions team on 0121 604 1040 or complete our enquiry form here and we will help you to activate your account and complete your online registration.
Step 2 – Upload proof of visa
You will have enrolment tasks that you will need to complete. The first task we will need you to do is upload your visa documents. You will need your passport, your stamped visa page and BRP. You will also need a UK term-time address, UK mobile number and UK emergency contact to update your student details.
Please note: if your name is now different from the name on the documentation you provide to us, please also upload evidence to support your name change, e.g. deed poll document or marriage certificate. All our systems will use the name on your official documentation.
Step 3 – Enrolment
Students will be contacted prior to the on-campus enrolment to start the process online. On-campus enrolment will be held as per the details below.
Location: Camden House, B3 1PW
Dates: 27 January 2025 to 7 March 2025
Time: 9am - 4pm
For other important information, see our induction and teaching dates here.
Unconditional offer holders
Anyone holding an unconditional offer can start the enrolment process as soon as they receive an online registration link.
Conditional offer holders
This means you have conditions outstanding (in most cases, this is evidence of qualifications which we need you to send to us). Please send these via our enquiry form here.
All unconditional and conditional offer holders who have accepted University College Birmingham will receive a call during their first week of enrolment. This will be made by our Admissions enrolment team, who will support you with all of your online enrolment tasks. As we will be enrolling a large number of students this week please wait for us to call you. Please make sure your email and phone contact details are up to date as these are the credentials we will use to contact you.
If you manage to do all of the online enrolment tasks on your own in the UCB portal, our Admissions team will still call you to congratulate you on completing your online enrolment with us and ensure you have everything you need to begin with us in February.
What if I've changed my mind and don't want to enrol at University College Birmingham?
If you have changed your mind and no longer wish to enrol, you must let us know as soon as possible so we can offer your place to someone else. Please call 0121 604 1040 or complete our enquiry form here.
Step 4 - Collect your UCB student ID card
One of the best feelings after all of the enrolment processes is collecting your UCB student ID card, which gives you access to all of the campus facilities.
You can collect your ID card in Camden House between 27 January 2025 and 7 March 2025. If we require further information from you before that, we will contact you by phone or email to discuss. You may be asked to provide further evidence before your enrolment is considered complete.
After enrolment
- It is essential that you register with a doctor and/or dentist in the area where you are living while at University College Birmingham. Information regarding registering with a doctor and/or dentist is available either from the university nurse, the Student Services unit or in the case of residents of The Maltings, in the information pack provided to you upon arrival. The University works closely with the Halcyon Medical Centre located in Bath Row. Representatives from the practice will be available to discuss registration at various events after you have arrived.
Travel pass – if you are commuting on a daily basis, you might want to consider purchasing a travel pass. Network West Midlands offers student-rate term passes for use on the bus, train and metro. Further information and ticket prices can be found here.
Become a member of the National Union of Students (NUS). Membership is free, although a charge entitles you to admission at concessionary rates to theatres, cinemas and other places of entertainment, reduced price travel on national and regional coach, bus and rail networks, and many other privileges.
Make the most of your time at University College Birmingham by getting involved with the Guild of Students. The Guild has numerous clubs and societies at the University, which are an ideal way to meet others outside of your course group.

Teaching commences on 17 February 2025. Timetables will be issued for your course during the course induction.
Welcome information for international students
On Tuesday, 11 February 2025, we will hold welcome events to help you settle into your studies and to answer any questions you may have. Additional activities will be available for your course, and these are linked in the section below.
Induction and course-specific information
In addition to the welcome activities organised by the International department, your course induction timetables are also available. For any uniform/kit requirements and other course-specific information, please view the applicable page.

Visa information
For international students requiring a student visa, we provide key advice and guidance. Crucial information on obtaining the visa and complying with its conditions, as well as how we can help with both of these areas, can be found on our Visas and Immigration page.
Friendships the world over are formed in university halls of residence, undoubtedly the best place to be during your studies. You can still apply for accommodation.
Disability and Neurodiversity Support
How we can help during induction and welcome week
- You can contact us or come and see us regarding your support plans and support in class. We are based on the Ground floor at Baskerville House.
- Students who have sent in evidence should have been contacted with transition information. If you haven’t been contacted, we will be working through your information and will be in touch. However, feel free to come in and see us during your induction period.
- Should you wish to amend a plan, please contact us at DNSupport@ucb.ac.uk
- If DSA providers are requesting a timetable from you or proof of timetable changes, you can notify us, and we can co-ordinate updates. We do not put DSA support into place, so you will need to contact DSA and external providers yourself.
- You will meet members of our CASE team during welcome week and on the CASE stand on 13 February during Welcome Fest.
- For reasonable adjustments, you will need to provide evidence, so please contact the disability inbox with this evidence. For more information about what is required of you, please click here.
- We also have study skills support for students not in receipt of DSA. For more information about what is available, click here.
- Our CASE team will work with the teaching team for your course over the coming months to ensure reasonable adjustments are put in place for you to have the best teaching experience at University College Birmingham.
Check our dedicated welcome information for students with disabilities and additional needs.

Meet other students on your course
Starting university is an exciting time, but we understand that it can sometimes feel a little daunting. To support you, you will be invited to join our Unibuddy Community, where you can meet other students who have applied for the same course at University College Birmingham, before you start studying here.
As soon as you have been made an offer, you will be sent an invitation email to complete your registration and join the Unibuddy Community. For more information, check out our Unibuddy Community page.
Important information
Find out more information about our tuition fees, as well as student finance and scholarships and fee waivers.
Find out moreGuild of Students
Run by students, for students, the Guild is your students’ union and the home of student life at University College Birmingham.
Find out moreIT support
Find out more about our IT support services and computer facilities across the university.
Find out moreCentre for Academic Skills and English (CASE)
CASE is open to all students and is there to develop academic skills as well as improve students' coursework and examination outcomes.
Find out moreHealth and Wellbeing
We recognise that good health and wellbeing are fundamental for effective study and a positive student experience. Find out how we can support you during your studies.
Find out moreLibrary services
Our library services at University College Birmingham are here to provide you with the support, information and study environments you need to achieve your very best.
Find out moreHealthcare in the UK
If you are an international student studying in the UK for six months or more, you are entitled to access the National Health Service (NHS) in the same way permanent residents can. This entitlement includes consultations with a doctor, usually known as a general practitioner (GP), and treatment in an NHS hospital, including emergency treatment, free of charge.
Medical insurance
Even if you are entitled to free NHS treatment, it may be worth considering taking out insurance which covers extra costs. If you already have medical insurance in your home country, you should check whether you can extend it to cover your stay in the UK. Alternatively, you could consider taking out insurance with a reliable UK insurer such as Howden, which offers special insurance policies for international students.
Registering with a doctor
If you are eligible for NHS treatment, you are entitled to register with a local doctor, also known as a general practitioner (GP). We strongly recommend you do this as soon as possible after you arrive in the UK and do not wait until you are ill. Registering when you arrive in the UK will make it easier and quicker to see the doctor when you need to. Our university nurse will advise you of this during induction.
Nurse and counselling service
Our university nurse is available for advice on a wide range of health issues, including diet, exercise, immunisations and other confidential medical problems, as well as treating minor ailments. The nurse is based on the 3rd Floor of the Summer Row campus building.
Please visit here for more information on how we will support your health and wellbeing.
International admissions
Need help?
If you are uncertain about what to do, have any worries in the first few weeks of the semester or want advice, the International Admissions team will be very happy to help you. Do not hesitate to contact us directly by completing our enquiry form here.

Preparing you for study
Whether you are new to University College Birmingham or returning from placement, the Preparing You for Study courses will introduce you to (or refresh your memory about) the academic skills you will be expected to learn and practise as a student at the University. There is one course for undergraduates (Levels 4, 5 and 6) and one for postgraduates (Level 7).
The courses include videos from staff and students explaining what you can expect from your time at University College Birmingham. They also include lessons about a range of academic skills, with the chance to check your understanding as you go. You'll also learn more about the support available to you during your studies.
Each course takes about 60-90 minutes to complete, but you do not have to do it all in one sitting. You can complete a few lessons at a time and come back to the course later.
If you have your student login, you can access the Preparing You for Study Canvas course here. We're looking forward to meeting you soon!
Discover more

Helping you get hired
Hired is our dedicated careers, employability and placements service for students and alumni at University College Birmingham.
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Student support
Whether you need support with your learning, finances, health and wellbeing or other areas, our range of dedicated support services are here for you.
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Financial support
While studying, it is important to manage your finances and access any help to which you are entitled. Our staff are here to give you the support and advice you need.
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Terms and Conditions
The University College Birmingham terms and conditions can be read through or downloaded here.
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Centre for Academic Skills and English
Our Centre for Academic Skills and English (CASE) offers a range of support and study-based help for all students at University College Birmingham
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Computer facilities
All students have access to computers throughout our campuses, with PCs and quiet study and self-study laptop areas across the University.
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Library services
Our library facilities offer thousands of print and digital resources, while our qualified library professionals and research specialists can help you find what you need.
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