Sixth Form students

Enrolment information for A-levels at University College Birmingham Sixth Form Centre

Results day is on 22 August, which is exciting, but can also be a worrying time for some. If you do feel worried, take a look at our guide below to help you through enrolment. If you feel you are more anxious than normal, there is some great advice from the NHS here.

Sixth Form Centre is at Camden House West, Parade, B1 3PY 

I have a conditional offer – what do I do? 

You need to confirm your place on 22 August. Come and see us between 9am and 5pm on this day in-person at our Sixth Form Centre, where you can celebrate your success with the team and secure your place. Bring a copy of your results and either a passport or birth certificate. We will also take your photo, which will be used for your UCB student ID card.  

What do I need to bring to show you? 

You need to bring your results and proof of ID. This could be your passport or your full birth certificate (your full birth certificate is A4 size and has your parents’ details on it). You can upload all of this to the portal in advance if you want to, but please remember to bring it with you on results day. 

I have a conditional offer, but I can’t come to enrol

Don’t worry – you can upload results and copy of your passport or birth certificate online, with a photo to use for your UCB student ID card, but you must do this on 22 August between 9am and 4pm to secure your place.

If you didn’t come to pre-enrolment and haven’t got access to the portal yet, please email before this day, so we can ensure your enrolment process is as smooth as possible.  

I don’t have a conditional offer – can I still apply? 

We have a few A-level courses with spaces, so come to the Sixth Form Centre on 23 August from 9am to 4pm to discuss your options. Bring your results and your ID, and we will help you choose a course that’s right for you.  

I want to apply but don’t meet the entry requirements – what shall I do? 

If you have a conditional offer, come and see us on 22 August in the Sixth Form Centre, and we can talk through alternative A-levels or suggest a different course. If you haven’t applied, then come and see us on 23 August. There might still be A-level courses for you, or we can suggest different college courses.  

I’ve done better in some subjects than I thought – can I change my course? 

Lots of students change their mind when they see their results, so come and chat to us about what’s best for you. If you have already changed your mind, please email admissions to let us know on

When does sixth form officially start? 

The Sixth Form Centre opens on 7 September. Once you’re fully enrolled, we’ll send you more info about what to bring and answer all your questions about the start of term and the year ahead. 

I still have a question and it’s not answered on here - what do I do? 

Please feel free to email the team at

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