Our Students' stories

Clearing is an extra opportunity to go after your dreams

Applying through Clearing is an additional opportunity to go after your dreams. Many of our students joined us through Clearing, whether they decided to change the course they had originally chosen, were late to decide they wanted to go to university or didn't quite achieve results they were hoping for. It happens, as our students explain.

We hope they inspire you to move forward and start your university journey with confidence.

I didn’t realise this was a university course opportunity

Morgan Sale, Aviation and Airport Management BA (Hons)

“I was originally rejected for a degree in nursing from many universities. However, I found that it wasn’t really my passion and soon pulled my UCAS profile. I had been interested in aviation and planes from a young age as my grandad was an aircraft engineer and I lived on army sites as a child. I didn’t realise this was a university course opportunity, so when I found out about it, I knew I had to apply and was offered an unconditional offer through Clearing.

“I rang University College Birmingham before my A-level results came out to express my interest and the helpful team told me how it works and what will happen. On the day of my results, I rang and told them my grades. They offered lots of congratulations and had a really positive attitude, which made the whole experience lovely. My Clearing experience was pain-free.

“In terms of support, the university was amazing when my dad was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer, my module leaders and year tutors went above and beyond to make sure I was okay and everything at home was okay. They made it a safe space to talk about my feelings and the struggles I was facing.”

I did this because I had a change of heart

Said Onyemauwa, Digital Marketing BA (Hons)

"I applied through UCAS for marketing at a university in Scotland as my firm choice and now I'm in my second year studying for a BA (Hons) degree in Digital Marketing at University College Birmingham.

"I had received an offer from my firm choice, my second choice being University College Birmingham. Because I was holding an offer from a university that was my firm choice, I had to decline them through UCAS Hub and apply for my insurance choice through Clearing.

"I did this because I had a change of heart, to be honest, because studying general marketing suddenly seemed plain and boring. Also, the documentary 'The Social Dilemma' left me with a strong calling towards the digital side of marketing, hence why I chose this subject at University College Birmingham. 

"My uni clearing experience was pretty good. No long wait time, staff were friendly and helpful. It felt like applying directly with the uni was easier than going through UCAS."

Clearing is stress-free, opens up new opportunities

Staci Lawrence, Health and Social Care BSc (Hons)

"After leaving school, I did not have the confidence to apply for a degree and also wanted to start earning a wage immediately. I worked as a beauty sales adviser for over 10 years, but in the back of my mind, I knew it was not the career I wanted.

"I wanted a job in the health and social care sector, but worried about returning to education as a mature student, and the UCAS procedure seemed daunting. The University College Birmingham admissions team made the uni clearing process easy, gave me the confidence to apply and guided me through each stage.

"Clearing is stress-free, opens up new opportunities and creates new adventures. Do not hesitate to take your next step towards a bright future."

The staff were incredibly helpful and informative

Annabelle Marquis, Health and Social Care BSc (Hons)

"I was actually really undecided on what course I wanted to do. Originally, I was going to apply for health and social care, but decided to apply for paramedic science instead. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful with both of the Midlands universities I had applied to.

"After losing hope, my dad told me that I could go through Clearing and not to lose faith in going to university. After some thought, I decided to apply for health and social care, which is what I really wanted to do. I applied to University College Birmingham and I am now in my second year there.

"My course is focused on coursework and has no exams, which is a bonus for me because I am not very good at exams. There are also lots of job opportunities from my degree and it will help me do what I've always wanted to, which is to help people in their time of need, like so many people helped me.

"Clearing is easier than I expected. I researched the universities I wanted to call and I had all the details I needed ready.

"The staff at University College Birmingham were incredibly helpful and informative when I called them on the day and they gave me an unconditional offer. In no time, I had all the details I needed to finish applying."

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