Erasmus International Exchange Students

International Pre-Payment Policy

Please sign and return the appropriate pre-payment policy

Whether you are joining University College Birmingham for the Pre-Sessional English Course or any higher education course, please review our pre-payment policies. Please sign and return the appropriate pre-payment policy form based on the information provided below.

Having received the payment, our admissions team will confirm your offer by issuing a CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance) to the applicant for visa application. Induction details will be sent two weeks before the course commences.

Need more information?

Any queries about payment should be made to our finance department on +44 121 243 4017 or on +44 121 232 4116 or complete our enquiry form here.

Pre-Sessional English Course

Pre-payment Policy

Payment of full tuition fees for the Pre-Sessional English Programme must be received by UCB’s Finance Department before an official unconditional offer letter can be issued to an applicant. 

  • The payment can be made by Flywire, bank transfer, debit card or credit card. All payments should be made payable to ‘UCB’. Any queries about payment should be made to the Finance Department (Cash office) on +44 121 243 0017 or email to 
  • Having received the payment, our Admissions Office will confirm your offer by issuing an official Unconditional offer letter to the applicant. Induction details will be sent two weeks before the course commences.

Cancellation of application

  • Full payment will be refund if you withdraw the application within 14 days after we have received your payment. 
  • If cancellation of the application is made more than four weeks prior to the commencement of the course, the student should inform us immediately. In such cases, a fee of £100 for administrative expenses will be deducted from the payment and the remaining amount refunded to the student. 
  • For cancellations made within four weeks prior to the commencement of classes or the student cancels his/her admissions after joining classes the University reserves the right to retain the full fee. 

Please sign and return the pre-payment policy

Download and sign

Higher Education Courses

Pre-payment Policy

You are required to pay 50% of your tuition fees before we can issue your CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies). Tuition fees must be received by our Finance Department before CAS can be issued to an applicant.

All international students will be required to pay 60% of their fees in advance of enrolment. You will be eligible to receive a £500 discount* for paying your fees in full. (*eligible courses only - please see here to check if your course is eligible)

The pre-payment should be made through flywire by clicking here:

Any queries about payment should be made to the Finance Department on +44 121 243 4017 or on +44 121 232 4116 or by completing our enquiry form here.

Having received the correct pre-payment, the CAS number will be sent to the applicant confirming their programme.

Visa refusal

If a student provides sufficient reason for declining the offer (e.g. visa being rejected by British High Commission or British Embassy) the University will arrange a refund of the pre-payment. In such cases, a fee of £1,000 for administrative expenses will be deducted from the pre-payment and the remaining amount refunded to the student. 

In the event of the visa being rejected on the grounds of the student submitting fraudulent documents to the visa authorities, UCB reserves the right to withhold the full pre-payment amount.

Delays in visa extensions

We expect all students enrolling with the University to have a Tier 4 Student Visa with the UCB Sponsor Licence number printed on it or a CAS number that we have issued you, though we understand that there may be certain exceptions, i.e. Students who have valid Post-Study Work Visas or Dependant Visas that cover the duration of their studies.

If you have previously studied elsewhere in the UK on a Tier 4 Student Visa, we will expect you to have applied to change this visa to come under our sponsorship and that you are able to prove that you have done so if you have not yet received your new visa. Acceptable proof would consist of:

  • A copy of a recorded delivery receipt confirming that you have posted your visa extension to the UK Border Agency.
  • Biometric appointment letter from the UK Border Agency after receipt of your initial application.

If you are unable to provide this confirmation by the date specified in your CAS as the final enrolment date for the programme, you will need to either defer your entry to the next available intake or withdraw your application, in which case we will refund your deposit after a £100 administrative deduction.

Cancellation of application

If cancellation of the application is made more than four weeks prior to the commencement of the course, the student should inform us immediately. In such cases, a fee of £500 for administrative expenses will be deducted from the pre-payment and the remaining amount refunded to the student.

For cancellations made less than four weeks prior to the commencement of the classes, the University will retain £2,000 and return the balance to the student:

  • Where the University fills the place with another overseas student, it will retain £500 for administrative expenses and return the balance to the student.
  • Where a student arrives in the UK but fails to take up their place on the course, the University will retain all the tuition fees.

In the event that the student cancels his/her admission more than 60 days after joining classes the University reserves the right to charge the full tuition fee for the first year of the coursefor loss of income, unless the student’s application to extend their visa was made prior to joining classes and has since been refused.

In the event of a student not enrolling or deferring and not re-enrolling on their course for more than four semesters after the date of the deposit payment, they will forfeit the right to receive a refund of any deposit paid.

Your place at the University is subject to withdrawal following requests from the UK Border Agency at any point during your study.

Evidence of any medical or personal problems leading to a continued period of absence from studies must be provided within ten days of occurrence.

Submitting Fraudulent Documents on receipt of pre-payment to secure a place at University College Birmingham

The University regards deception as a deliberate attempt to undermine our academic integrity and therefore, if we identify fraudulent certificates or references at the point of receiving your pre-payment, we reserve the right to retain the full tuition fees paid.

Identifying Fraudulent Documents at Enrolment or whilst on Programme

The University regards deception as a deliberate attempt to undermine our academic integrity and put our sponsor licence in jeopardy. Along with the immediate withdrawal of sponsorship, the University reserves the right to retain the amount paid in cases where fraudulent documents have been used to obtain sponsorship. Furthermore, the University will contact the relevant authorities.

Please sign and return the pre-payment policy

Download and sign

Payment methods

Please note we do not allow cash payments or cheque payments for tuition or accommodation fees. The most convenient way to make the payment is online through Flywire. Find out more or make a payment.

Please specify whether the payment is for pre-payment of tuition fees (e.g. Pre-sessional English Programme tuition fees) or accommodation.

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