Find the right course for you

Not sure what you want to study? Do you have a career in mind but don't know what course will help you get there? Our course finder can help find the ideal course for you.

You can search for courses based either on the career paths you want to pursue or the areas you are interested in studying, then simply choose your desired level of study and our tool will suggest courses that may be most suitable for you.

Please note: This tool will help you identify courses that could support progression towards the careers and interests you have chosen. However, some specific job roles may require further training or study beyond the course suggested.

1. Do you know what career you want to get into?

2. Search for your chosen career

Select your career interests from the list below or use the search tool. You may select multiple careers. After you have selected your options, please choose your study level below.

2. What are your interests?

Select your interests from the list below or use the search tool. You may select multiple interests. After you have selected your options, please choose your study level below.

3. What level will you study at?

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