Helping you get hired

Careers, employability and placements

Your time with us is not just about study. It is also about getting the experience, life skills and personal qualities to help you fly when you finish.

Hired is our impartial careers, employability and placements service for students and alumni at University College Birmingham.

Whether it’s guiding you towards your ideal placement, preparing you to stand out in the job market or backing you in setting up your own business, our dedicated team have the specialist knowledge and experience to help craft you into a confident, career-ready graduate.

Come and meet us at the start of your studies, don’t leave it until your final year. There is so much one-on-one practical advice we can offer throughout your time with us.

Career Information Advice and Guidance Policy

HIRED team

Get in touch with us:

  • Visit us on Ground Floor, Baskerville House, 2 Centenary Square, B1 2ND
  • 0121 604 1000
I had a job interview for a new product development role with global bread agent specialist Kudos Blends and Hired staged a mock interview for me. This really sparked off what I needed to do for a more technical role. I got a second interview and again, Hired helped me with my presentation. They were fantastic and I got the job.

Natalie Brown Bakery and Patisserie Technology BSc (Hons)

Boosting your employability

If you join us, you have the opportunity to enrich your CV and boost your employability further through our online support portal, hiredConnect.

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Powerful placements for real experience

Employers seek out graduates who already have industry experience, plus this really is the best way to develop your skills to make you a sought-after candidate.

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Getting you in front of employers

We ensure you have opportunities to network with local and international employers by holding employability extravaganza fairs and employer presentations. 

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With you beyond your studies

We’re invested in your career journey, even when you’re no longer studying with us.

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Meet the HIRED team

Find out more about the team who are helping you get hired

Meet the team


HIRED have been successfully accredited with the matrix Standard for delivering high-quality information, advice, and guidance by the matrix Accreditation Body.

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