Helping you excel in higher education
We are delighted you have chosen to study at University College Birmingham. We offer lots of support for university students to enable you to achieve your potential.
Support is flexible, student-centred and personalised to meet students’ preferences and needs. Our excellent support services include the Academic Skills Centre, Hired and Health and Wellbeing.
Support for students who disclose a disability, health condition or mental health condition starts from application. Upon application, you will be contacted by a member of the Disability and Neurodiversity Support team to discuss your specific needs and additional support requirements.
Depending on your needs, you may be entitled to:
- Support plan meetings and/or discussion of needs for class/exams/assignments
- Alternative assessments
- Discussions about next steps and Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA)
- 1:1 sessions with Specialist Support Tutors (if not receiving support via DSA)
- Specialist equipment
- Screeners for dyslexia
- Personal Evacuation Plans and Lift passes
Click on the menu below for further details:
Contact us
If you have any queries, please get in touch:
- 0121 232 4497
Additional support for students with disabilities
Depending on your specific needs, you may be eligible for additional support from the University and through Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA). Having written evidence of your disability will enable us to plan and put in place tailored support, in the form of a Learner Support Plan.
You can share evidence at any time, both prior to enrolling or as a current student to
Support prior to starting your course
- Prior to starting your course and to put a personalised plan in place, we will need to discuss your individual requirements. For further information or to book a phone appointment, please contact us at or phone 0121 232 4497.
- If you would like an orientation or transition visit prior to starting your studies, or are blind or partially-sighted and require mobility training to support you in familiarising yourself with our campuses and finding your way around, please get in touch.
- Open days take place throughout the year, providing a great opportunity to meet relevant staff and familiarise yourself with buildings. Many courses also offer induction sessions and taster days and you can also chat with our students and staff for your course and ask any questions about the course or university life.
Support during your studies
- In addition to the support we offer, you may be eligible for Disability Students' Allowance (DSA).
- If you are awaiting your DSA support or have found you are not eligible, you can book a weekly one-to-one appointment.
- Support with accessing lectures, such as access to lecture materials in advance or handouts in an alternative format, can be arranged with curriculum staff.
- Discussion of alternative methods of assessment to ensure equitable access based on specific student needs can also be arranged.
- You can also loan digital recorders and have access to assistive technologies to record lectures.
- If you are travelling to the University and require accessible parking, you can apply for a UCB Accessible Permit.
What is Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA)?
As a higher education student living in the UK and you have a disability, you could be eligible for Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) to help cover the costs of any additional support you may need to access your university course. In order to be eligible for DSA, you must have evidence of a disability such as a:
- Long-term health condition
- Physical disability, including a visual impairment or hearing impairment
- Mental health condition, such as anxiety or depression
- Specific learning difficulty (SpLD) for example, dyslexia, dyspraxia or ADHD
DSA can help with costs for specialist equipment, assistive technology, Non-Medical Helper (NMH) support such as a specialist study skills tutor or specialist mentor, travel and other disability-related costs associated with studying. This support is based on your individual needs, not your household income.
How do I apply for Disabled Students' Allowance?
You should start the process of applying for your DSA as soon as possible to ensure your support is in place in preparation for your studies. You don't have to wait until you have a confirmed place, although you can apply at any stage of your course. Applications usually open in March, prior to students enrolling in September.
When applying for DSA, you will be required to complete an application form and submit evidence of your additional needs. It is the student’s responsibility to apply for DSA, but we are here to help you if you have any questions or need assistance.
For further information on how and when to apply:
- England:
- Scotland:
- Wales:
- Northern Ireland:
The application process can take months to complete, so start as soon as possible. Support cannot be guaranteed without your DSA being in place.
Do I need to talk to the University before applying for DSA?
You do not need to talk to us before applying. You are responsible for the application process, but we are here to help with support and guidance. You can contact us at or by phoning 0121 232 4497.
Who can I talk to about my disability?
Disclosing a disability is a positive step. In line with current legislation, we use the term ‘disability’ to include specific learning difficulties including dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia, mental health difficulties, autism, sensory disabilities and other ongoing health conditions.
It is helpful if you tell us about your disability on your application form and complete a Student Requirement Form (SRF). If you have already applied to University College Birmingham and have not disclosed a disability or completed an SRF, please complete our enquiry form here.
There are various opportunities for you to disclose, before enrolment and while you are studying with us. If you would like to make an appointment to discuss your support needs or visit University College Birmingham, email us at or phone 0121 232 4497.
If you are a current student, we recommend that you talk to your personal tutor in the first instance or you can talk to the Specialist Support Tutors. Call into the ground floor of Baskerville House to make an appointment, email or call us on 0121 232 4497.
What if I choose not to disclose my disability?
If you choose not to disclose your disability, it is your decision. However, you should be aware that if you choose not to or limit that disclosure, although we will do our best to help you, you may not be able to access the full range of support packages available to you.
Who will know about my disability?
When you disclose a disability, we want to ensure appropriate support is put in place for you. To do this, we may need to tell relevant staff at the University, so will need your consent and also your contact details. To provide these, please complete the form below:
Unless you provide written consent to share your disability with relevant staff, details will be kept completely confidential. This consent will remain in force while you are a registered student unless you notify us otherwise.
Disability living and personal support
If you have specific accommodation requirements and/or will require assistance with day-to-day living tasks such as washing, personal care, shopping or cooking, please refer to the guidance on how to apply for accommodation at our halls of residence. and personal care for disabled students.
University College Birmingham is unable to provide personal care support within higher education. If you require personal care support, you will need to contact your local authority’s social services at the earliest opportunity, to ensure that support is ready for when you move into your accommodation.
Learner Support Plans
The Disability and Neurodiversity Support team can provide Learner Support Plans (LSPs) for students with an SpLD or disability. Plans may detail appropriate in-class support strategies, exam concessions or alternative assessments (or a combination of these). This is dependent on the provision of appropriate evidence. On application, the Disability and Neurodiversity Support team will contact you. Please send relevant evidence to
Existing students can self-refer to the Disability and Neurodiversity Support if they feel that an LSP is required.
We do not provide LSPs for maternity, pregnancy or temporary injuries (please contact the exams teams directly), but the Disability and Neurodiversity Support can organise temporary lift passes.
Assistive Technology
Inclusive Technology plays an important role in creating an inclusive learning atmosphere. We provide access to, and facilitate use of, a range of assistive technology and software:
- All students get access to Grammarly Premium
- Licenses for Sonocent Glean can be provided to students who require note-taking support
- Quickscreen Dyslexia Screening software is used to target support for students who are displaying indicators of Dyslexia
- Online accessibility to E-books and library resources
- We can recommend a wide variety of free assistive software
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Health and wellbeing
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Centre for Academic Skills and English
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