University College Birmingham is one of the largest providers of placements in the UK
Placements are administered by a team of EmployabilityTutors based within HIRED on the Ground Floor of the Baskerville House.
The tutors aim to help students obtain relevant work experience to complement their academic studies and to develop the appropriate skills, knowledge and experience to enable them to compete with advantage in the industries served by University College Birmingham.
Work placements provide a vital set of achievements, skills, understanding and personal attributes that make a student more likely to gain employment and to be successful in their chosen career.
Employability Tutors will visit some of the students and support their practical needs, including recording employability skills they develop as they gain work experience.
Resources offered by the Employability Team:
- Staff with detailed, first-hand knowledge of many employing organisations and the suitability of the placement opportunities available.
- An employer database containing details of around 5,000 employers, used by the staff who work closely with students to identify suitable placement opportunities. The database is updated regularly with feedback on the placement organisation from both students and Employability Tutors.
The team is available from 9am to 5pm each weekday and is based in Hired on the Ground Floor of Baskerville House.
Discover more

Helping you get hired
Hired is our dedicated careers, employability and placements service for students and alumni at University College Birmingham.
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Learning experience
In this section we tell you how to improve the presentation and the quality of your academic work. There are also some simple ‘rules and regs’ intended to ensure a more ha…
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Policies and Procedures
University College Birmingham corporate principle: ‘Service Before Self’ applies to all through: fairness, justice, equality, respect and dignity.
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Health, Safety and Welfare Policies
It is the responsibility of each and every employee to work in a safe way and such that he/she does not cause risk to him/herself or other employees or thi…
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Other important information
Throughout your studies here, we will issue you with questionnaires to help us monitor your level of satisfaction with the course and University College Birmingham…
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Getting started
This page will tell you everything you need to know when starting student life at University College Birmingham.
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Terms and Conditions
The University College Birmingham terms and conditions can be read through or downloaded here.
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