Empowerment in battery innovation

Empowerment in battery innovation: reskilling, upskilling and growth

We are spearheading a regional initiative for battery manufacturing and innovation skill enhancement supported by funding from the Innovate UK Faraday Battery Challenge.

By leveraging resources from Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG), the University of Warwick's cutting-edge research in battery manufacturing and electrification, as well as collaborative efforts from RAVMAC Ltd and Cranfield University, our programme seamlessly integrates academic expertise with industrial insight rooted in the National Electrification Skills Framework. This means learners gain essential skills in electrification systems, while benefitting from academic and industrial expertise.

We offer advanced training for battery industry professionals at Levels 2 and 3, combining traditional training with immersive digital technologies.

1.4 million

electric vehicles are needed by 2040


employees will need to be hired, upskilled or retrained to meet demand

Data taken from Faraday Institute analysis

Logo for innovate UK with the Faraday Batter Challenge

Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation, is the UK’s innovation agency. Their mission is to help companies grow though development and commercialisation of new products, processes and services, supported by an outstanding innovation ecosystem that is agile, inclusive and easy to navigate.

Project funding

This project is funded by Faraday Battery Challenge UKRI Innovate UK.

This challenge is investing in research and innovation projects, and facilities, to drive the growth of a strong battery business in the UK.

It aims to develop battery technologies that are:

  • Cost-effective
  • High performing
  • Longer range
  • Faster charging
  • Long-lasting
  • Safe and sustainable

This project is aimed at supporting small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) with training their employees for the future of battery technology.

Click here to find out more.


Battery courses

Digitally Enhanced Battery Ubiquitous Training

Introduction (online delivery)

This is a perfect way to introduce your staff to battery manufacturing.

This course will start by looking at the battery manufacturing process and teach general safety practices when working with batteries and the environment.

This course is ideal for lower-level staff members who have limited experience with batteries and will support health and safety in the workplace.

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Digitally Enhanced Battery Ubiquitous Training

Level 2 certificate (classroom, immersive hub and workshop delivery)

Ideal for all operational associates, this course takes a more in-depth look at battery manufacturing.

This course covers a range of modules, including:

  • Battery fundamentals
  • Health and safety
  • People and behaviour
  • Quality, compliance and standards
  • Production
  • Material control and distribution 
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Digitally Enhanced Battery Ubiquitous Training

Level 3 certificate (classroom, immersive hub and workshop delivery)

This course takes learning within battery manufacturing to the next level. It is ideal for your engineering and first-level management staff.

The Level 3 qualification dives deeper into battery manufacturing and the topics covered by the Level 2 certificate.

Your staff will be assessed through a coursework essay, a workshop assessment and a post-course assignment. No exams will need to be completed for this level.

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Train the trainer 

Would you prefer to pull this training in-house to be more flexible and be able to train larger numbers of staff?

We have a unique course offering where selected staff members can be trained and certified to deliver these courses in-house.

This will allow you to roll out training to larger staff groups when it can be more flexible to suit business needs.

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How to get in contact

If you would like to sign up staff to one of our courses or if you would like to find out more information, click the button below and complete the short survey. We will contact you to discuss the best option to suit your staff and business needs.

Contact us

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