3 WELCOME TO UNIVERSITY COLLEGE BIRMINGHAM University means so much more than the degree itself. Potentially living away from home for the first time, making new friends, discovering new places and cultures and stretching your mind – university is like nothing else. We are dedicated to social inclusion, which has given us a richly diverse and hardworking student body that comes from all areas and backgrounds. With the University investing £200 million into training facilities with sectorexperienced lecturers, you know you’ll be trained in the best environments, and our exceptional tailored support includes everything from assignment writing to wellbeing services. Standing proud in the heart of Birmingham, we’re big enough to meet your diverse needs, compact enough to care. Going to university is an exciting turning point in your life, one that can make a world of difference to your future and where your career takes you. Professor Michael Harkin Vice-Chancellor and Principal WINNER STUDENT SUPPORT WEST MIDLANDS WINNER UNIVERSITY OF THE YEAR WEST MIDLANDS WINNER POSTGRADUATE WEST MIDLANDS WINNER INTERNATIONAL WEST MIDLANDS UNIVERSITY COLLEGE BIRMINGHAM