Welcome Booklet (Business)

12 13 As current students, here is some handy advice we wish we had been told before starting uni. WHAT TO PACK Don’t forget to pack your cooking utensils, especially baking trays! SARAH Don’t overpack! Make a list of the essentials you need. The great thing about being based in Birmingham city centre is you can get a lot of things here - especially clothes! SHAHIN BUDGETING Working in hospitality is a great way to save some money off your grocery bills as you get discounts and sometimes, they provide a meal. Doing this has reduced my grocery bill by, on average, £30 and you get nice food! SARAH I opted to stay in uni accommodation as the price and location were right, but it also gives me security as I pay a set price each month for rent and bills. I recommend working out your monthly payments and what your student loan can cover before you start. This way, you can save some money to have a buffer. LAWRENCE GET TO KNOW BIRMINGHAM Making friends will help with exploring as you might meet someone who knows Birmingham well or if they don’t, you have someone to explore with. SARAH I spent my gap year travelling, which taught me to be independent. If you haven’t already, why not get a friend or family member to visit Birmingham for a day or overnight? There are lots of things to do and this way, you will become more familiar with the city. LAWRENCE COOKING Why not try cooking a few dishes at home that are quick and easy to make? You will really appreciate this when getting to uni, especially on busy lecture days. JOEY As simple as it is, things like using a new stove can be confusing – do not worry, at The Maltings, there are accommodation staff available that can help. MARIA LET’S TALK STUDENTTO-STUDENT Unibuddy is a great way to get your questions answered by current students and even make friends before you start! There is also the Guild that has lots of societies to join and activities to take part in. MIRANDA Welcomefest is a fantastic time to meet other students. 100% you should make sure you go along, have fun, make friends and grab some freebies! IKECHUKWU MAKING FRIENDS SARAH SHAHIN LAWRENCE MARIA MARIA JOEY MIRANDA IKECHUKWU If you want to get part-time work, you can visit the HIRED department where the Unitemps branch is. They have lots of jobs available inside and outside the University. The pay is good! IKECHUKWU Working is a great way to network and gain experience. Most employers are understanding and will help you to fit work around your studies. MIRANDA PART-TIME WORK UNIVERSITY COLLEGE BIRMINGHAM UNIVERSITY COLLEGE BIRMINGHAM