University College Birmingham Learning and Teaching Strategy - 2021-2024
LEARNING AND TEACHING STRATEGY 2021–2024 OUTCOMES KPI Awarding Gap Action Plan (as part of the Access and Participation Plan) ▶ Actively working towards reducing the awarding gap Tutorial Code of Practice ▶ All students to receive tutorial support as outlined in the code of practice ensuring that benchmarks are met Staff Members with Teaching Qualifications ▶ Exceed 95% for FT staff (Teaching Qualification) Staff Members with Professional Accreditation SET (QTLS/ATS) and HEA (Associate Fellow/Fellow/ Senior Fellow/Principal Fellow) ▶ Meet benchmark for SET (QTLS/ATS) and HEA (Fellowship) Staff Continued Professional Development ▶ Consistent package of in-house learning and teaching enhancement weeks twice a year Teaching Observations ▶ Annual teaching observations exceed 95% for FT staff ▶ Meet internal benchmarks for FE and HE in relation to overall criteria ▶ Achievement at or above benchmark metrics Ofsted ▶ To become an Ofsted Outstanding provider Teaching Excellence and Outcomes Framework (TEF) ▶ Meet benchmarks as set out by TEF in relation to metrics, TEF grading and Commendations NSS and PTES ▶ Achievement at or above benchmark metrics for NSS and PTES Employer liaison ▶ Maintain an active Employer Board Graduate and Employability Skills ▶ All HE students to have graduate skills embedded into their modules Student voice ▶ Active engagement in student forums, meetings and committees Mental Health and Well-being ▶ Maintain membership of the Healthy Universities Network ▶ Consistent package of support for students through the University well-being service ▶ Embedding student well-being throughout the curriculum AIMS Develop next generation opportunities and skills through innovative , future focused curriculum and pedagogy . Shape local and global sectors, promoting sustainable futures and global citizenship . PILLAR 1: PILLAR 2: PILLAR 3: Provide accessible and inclusive teaching and learning across a wide range of vocationally led programmes . MEASURES OF SUCCESS 28 29 LEARNING AND TEACHING STRATEGY 2021–2024 WWW.UCB.AC.UK
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