University College Birmingham Learning and Teaching Strategy - 2021-2024

Build a global presence through collaborative networks PILLAR 3: LOCAL AND GLOBAL 06 WE WILL ACHIEVE THIS BY: ▶ Provide learners with an understanding of different cultures so that they can take their place actively in the global society. ▶ Developing opportunities for learners to engage with collaborative online international learning projects to build on their academic, critical thinking and reflective skills. ▶ Engaging with international partners to develop opportunities for students to study UCB courses globally. ▶ Supporting learners to develop their global presence through engagement with authentic international learning activities, projects and/or conferences. Promote sustainable futures and global citizenship PILLAR 3: LOCAL AND GLOBAL 05 WE WILL ACHIEVE THIS BY: ▶ Providing learners with the knowledge, skills and confidence to challenge inequalities and address sustainability issues, social justice and environmental awareness. ▶ Create an environment that promotes freedom of speech, underpinned by ethical principles. ▶ Supporting and preparing learners at UCB to live, learn and work in global contexts. ▶ Ensuring all learners have opportunities to gain the knowledge to promote sustainable futures and develop the skills to be able to effect change locally, nationally and internationally. 26 27 LEARNING AND TEACHING STRATEGY 2021–2024 WWW.UCB.AC.UK