University College Birmingham Learning and Teaching Strategy - 2021-2024

Immersive learning environments within world class facilities PILLAR 2: INNOVATIVE AND FUTURE FOCUSED 02 WE WILL ACHIEVE THIS BY: ▶ Continuing to invest in campus facilities, providing opportunities to develop industry led skills, attributes and demonstrate excellence in practice. ▶ Developing simulated environments through immersive learning strategies to improve engagement and learning outcomes. ▶ Creating exciting and engaging learning spaces, embedding learning technologies into the curriculum. ▶ Introducing live learning and flipped learning experiences to instil graduate attributes. Vibrant employment focused curriculum PILLAR 2: INNOVATIVE AND FUTURE FOCUSED 01 WE WILL ACHIEVE THIS BY: ▶ Developing research and skills focused curricula, that mirror the industries/sectors of the professional world/workforces for which we educate and develop. ▶ Maintaining strong industry links, continuing to be recognised by government and employer bodies as a centre of vocational excellence. ▶ Offering relevant and diverse industry led programmes, with strong progression routes allowing learners to excel in chosen vocations and meet their full potential. ▶ Supporting lecturers to be excellent teachers, maintaining currency in their field of expertise and reflecting the needs of our sectors. 14 LEARNING AND TEACHING STRATEGY 2021–2024 WWW.UCB.AC.UK 15