University College Birmingham Learning and Teaching Strategy - 2021-2024

PILLAR 1: ACCESSIBLE AND INCLUSIVE 04 PILLAR 1: ACCESSIBLE AND INCLUSIVE WE WILL ACHIEVE THIS BY: ▶ Ensuring learners, employers, stakeholders, service users and carers are included in the co-creation and delivery of authentic sector relevant assessments. ▶ Encouraging learners and staff to work together to co-create and co-produce dynamic curricula, enhancing the learning experience for all learners. ▶ Working with employers and stakeholders to ensure assessments reflect the skills and abilities required in the dynamic industries in which we work alongside. ▶ Developing a process of engagement that encourages both learners and staff members to have a voice and to develop a partnership in the creation of inclusive assessments and curriculum design. Co-created and sector relevant assessment 03 WE WILL ACHIEVE THIS BY: ▶ Setting high expectations of achievement, behaviour and engagement to stretch and challenge learners. ▶ Align programme outcomes, professional development and graduate employment towards rewarding destinations. ▶ Creating opportunities to engage with key events, such as the 2022 Commonwealth Games, within Birmingham City and the greater West Midlands area while studying at University College Birmingham. ▶ Embedding flexible and personalised learning through innovative curriculum design. Aspirational personalised education journey 09 LEARNING AND TEACHING STRATEGY 2021–2024 WWW.UCB.AC.UK 08