Student Guide to the Health and Wellbeing Service

DO I NEED SUPPORT? We are here to support you with a wide range of difficulties, these may include: Feeling low or depressed Feeling anxious or worried Experiencing stress Finding it hard to make friends Unsure about identity Struggling with relationship difficulties Difficulties with eating Home-sickness Sleep problems Experiencing a mental illness Low self-esteem Grief and loss If you’re still unsure whether you may benefit from the service, we would encourage you to see a member of the team – no problem is too small. We can provide you with relevant information, advice and guidance to assist you in making a decision. Please note that we cannot guarantee therapy and/or support will be offered directly through UCB’s Health & Wellbeing Service. It may be that the team assists in referring or signposting you to more appropriate support outside UCB. HOW CAN I ACCESS THE SERVICE? With the exception of the Nurse Service, which is a drop-in facility, you can apply to meet with the Health & Wellbeing team by completing a registration form. This can be accessed via the Student Portal. The Health and Wellbeing team assess applications as quickly as possible, normally within 24 hours. However, at peak times this can be up to 48 hours. You will receive an e-mail with a short registration form which must be fully completed before we are able to offer an appointment. Once we have received your completed registration form, you will receive an e-mail from the team containing the date and time of your first assessment. Priority is given to service users under the age of 18 and those with a pre-disclosed mental health disability or long-term condition. Similarly, if upon application it appears the risk to the service user is significant, the team will work to see them as soon as possible for assessment. If you do not attend your assessment session or a subsequent therapy session without informing student services of your cancellation ( 0121 604 1000 ext. 2269 / ) , you will receive a text or email asking if you would like to rearrange the session that you have missed. If we do not receive a response, we will not attempt any further contact unless a new application to the service is made. 8 9