Student Guide to the Health and Wellbeing Service

MENTAL HEALTH ADVICE COUNSELLING Counselling is a talking therapy which provides the opportunity and space for you to talk about anything that is affecting you, whether it is linked to your studies or a personal issue. Counselling is about you being accepted, valued, and listened to, rather than being judged or criticised. It is not about being given advice or being told what to do. Counsellors are trained to help you gain a better understanding of your thoughts and feelings, enabling you to make changes. If it is agreed following your assessment that Counselling at UCB is appropriate, the service can offer up to six sessions in the first instance. Sessions are normally face-to-face on a weekly or fortnightly basis, and last up to 50 minutes. After the six sessions are completed, the Counsellor will discuss with you your next steps, which may include referral to other services if required. The Mental Health & Wellbeing Adviser provides support, advice and guidance to prospective and current students of UCB. If you are experiencing a mental health difficulty or emotional or psychological distress, our Adviser can help you to identify your specific needs, provide practical support, and help you develop coping strategies. During the period of support, the Adviser may also work alongside the Curriculum Team for Academic and Pastoral Support, and can assist you in accessing external mental health and wellbeing services. The number and frequency of sessions will be discussed during the assessment session, but up to six sessions will be offered in the first instance. 6 7