Employer Handbook for Further Education

5 Health & Safety Remember that while you are on your placement, it is your responsibility to follow all the Health and Safety rules and procedures that the placement employer has in place. If you are unsure about anything or feel something is unsafe, speak to your placement employer. You will be required to complete a Health & Safety induction at the start of your placement and update ProPortal to confirm completion. Safeguarding All students must adhere to University College Birmingham and their placement employers’ policies. Safeguarding information can be found on the back page of this handbook. Appearance & Clothing Employers may have a specific dress code and expectations regarding appearance. You should contact your placement before your first day and find out their specific requirements. Dress to impress! Jewellery, make-up and accessories should be kept simple and to a minimum, clothing/uniform should be clean, presentable, and ironed. Duties You may be allocated a department or section to work in, however, you should make every effort to experience as many aspects of your placement as you can. If you are concerned that the duties or tasks you are being given are not benefiting your development, you should contact your Employability Tutor, do not leave, or fail to turn up. Part-time employment Students who have a part time job which is not relevant to their course must ensure that it does not interfere with their placement working hours. Students who have a part time job which is relevant to their course can use it as their placement, as long as their employer completes all relevant paperwork and is contactable by your Employability Tutor. Disciplinary Procedure • Students will be treated as any other employee of the organisation. This means that the employers’ disciplinary procedures may apply. • Verbal and written warnings issued for misconduct may be recorded on your student record. TOP TIP Try to be confident and make sure you ask questions. Offer to help and look interested and enthusiastic. A smile goes along way so make sure you are friendly and approachable!