June 2022
Victor’s Story
By Victor Basinyi
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Victor Basinyi
Business Enterprise FdA
Accredited by the University of Warwick
Engineering new business skills
Mechanical engineer Victor is already a successful businessman as CEO of the BECO cargo logistics company, with offices in Europe and Africa.
As a former vehicle examiner for the Government of Botswana Ministry of Transport and Road Safety and technician for Volvo, Victor has taken his technical expertise and IT knowledge in transport and supply chain logistics and used this effectively in his own business enterprises.
There's always room to increase your knowledge, however, and this year, he decided to set out on a new educational journey, starting a foundation degree in Business Enterprise at University College Birmingham.
“As a businessman, I am always looking for improvement for both customers and employees,” said Victor, from Worcester. “I would love to see my life focused on building accessible platforms and quality, flexible tools for better British business in the global market. So I decided to step up my entrepreneurial skills with a research-based degree from a reputable institution that is well known for this.”
A key factor in Victor’s decision was the fact that the Business Enterprise degree was set to be accredited by the University of Warwick – a world-leading Russell Group university – from 2022, when he would start the course.
“As a Midlands resident, I want to be part of the solutions for job creation in the region and be associated with an institution at the centre of community development, so yes, Warwick was very much a part of my decision,” he said.
“It potentially presents opportunities for me to get involved in research, as well as access an enterprise network of guest speakers and contributors to bodies of knowledge such as Emeritus Professor Nigel Slack in operations management at Warwick, my area of interest.
“I believe the partnership of University College Birmingham and University of Warwick will really open doors for many like me.