August 2024

Shanice’s Story

By Shanice Hinds

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Shanice Hinds

Sports Therapy BSc (Hons)/FdSc

Working with top athletes

The journey to university was not always a smooth one for Shanice, who struggled with personal difficulties during her A-levels, but the emotional and wellbeing support at University College Birmingham helped her to make the most of her time in higher education.

“The support services were incredible, and really helped me to become a more focused and determined person.

“Alongside this, Kick-Start has been hugely beneficial for me. The money helps take away some of the cost-of-living stress.”

When she started her third year and began topping up her FdSc to a degree, she made extensive use of CASE for help with her dissertation.

“I was always better with the practical side than written work, so I found the daily appointments really useful. They helped maintain my motivation.”

The chance to go on placement was a big draw for Shanice, and with the help of HIRED, she was able to secure work with Leamington Rugby Club and Coventry City FC.

“I got to study with amazing individuals and made good relationships with lecturers. It made learning more fun, and I always wake up excited to go into university.” 

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