May 2024

Oliver's Story

By Oliver Johnson

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Oliver Johnson

Finance and Accounting MSc

Counting the options for the future

Knowing that he wants to retire early, Oliver is leaving nothing to chance and is doing what he can to bolster his career opportunities within finance and accounting.

Upon completing his undergraduate degree, Oliver recognised the value of further study in achieving his goal and opted to undertake a master's in finance and accounting.

He shares, "Completing the master's degree can exempt you from some qualifications needed to become a trained accountant, knocking off nearly two years of study. I want to retire as soon as possible, so every year counts."

With a wealth of opportunities available, Oliver is conscious of how important it is to choose the right path. He is considering whether to venture into accounting with one of the ‘Big 4’ firms or explore auditing – the latter sparked by a friend's intriguing experience counting gold bullion in a Swiss bank.

ontemplating his many options for the future, however, is made easier through the flexibility of the master's degree, which allows him to choose between management or financial accounting.

"What is great about the master's is you have options once you have completed it," he notes.

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