May 2024

Gabriela's Story

By Gabriela Mester

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Gabriela Mester

International Business Management MSc

Giving business a boost

When she and her husband decided to transition from roles in human resources to entrepreneurship in construction, Gabriela realised she needed to broaden her skill set, and that education would help to improve her opportunities.

After first studying for a BA in Business, she chose University College Birmingham for her master’s degree, and was impressed by its industry links. Enrolling on the course presented her with opportunities to engage with global corporate giants, including Marriott and Boeing Japan, and those guest speaker sessions helped her to grow in confidence.

"These interactions honed my interview skills and provided insights into industry expectations," she said.

Using the University's supporting department, HIRED, Gabriela secured an internship role, and developed her business knowledge in a practical context whilst relishing the University’s community ethos.

Reflecting on her journey, Gabriela underscores the variation in her postgraduate experience. "Studying the postgraduate degree where you look at all the sectors within the business, such as marketing, leadership, human resources and finance alongside my previous experiences, will help open up many new progress routes".

She feels that academia can act a springboard for continuous growth, both personally, and for her business.


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