December 2022

Farhat’s Story

By Farhat Siddiqui

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Farhat Siddiqui

Adult Nursing BSc (Hons)

Coming full circle

Studying for a degree in hospitality business management with us after leaving school, Farhat came full circle years later by enrolling on our nursing degree.

"After my degree, I went on to become a manager at Carphone Warehouse, but always felt as though something was missing in my career.

"It was through providing palliative care for both my parents that I finally decided to fulfil my ambition to become a nurse. I have always desired to help people.

"It hasn’t been easy, my youngest was only one when I applied, but I am so proud of myself for battling through and not giving up."

She said it has been made easier by the University's financial support.

"With the bursary and the Parental Support Fund, it has made it manageable," she said.

"Plus, the University provides students with additional support via the Kick-Start scheme.

"The city centre location, facilities and teaching staff are just incredible. I will be so sad to leave. I have made so many friends. I don’t think I would have gained this great experience anywhere else."

Farhat's placements have have included cardiology, an acute medical care unit, ITU and post-surgery care and a rehabilitation centre, preparing her for her dream career.

"After I qualify, I would like to initially work as a practice nurse at a GP surgery," she said.

"However, I also hope to become an advanced clinical practitioner, progressing possibly to a nurse prescriber. I definitely want to continue to develop myself and advance in my career.”

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