May 2024

Bhavi's Story

By Bhavi Sunil Mehta

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Bhavi Sunil Mehta 

Global Meetings and Events Management MSc

Going for Gold

Bhavi was thrilled to secure a role as Delegation and Events Coordinator for the 2023 Special Olympics World Games in Berlin – a success she attributes to the skills and experienced gained whilst completing her master’s degree.

Long fascinated by the dynamic and fast-paced world of events management, Bhavi completed an Events degree with the goal of working in the field.

This experience provided her with essential grounding in the strategic planning, execution, and communication needed to run a successful event, and master’s level study seemed the natural next step of her journey. For Bhavi, the course at University College Birmingham stood out.

"Faculty expertise, the commitment to stay at the forefront of events and its reputation for academic excellence made choosing this course easy,” she said.

Whilst studying on the master’s she secured her role at the Special Olympics World Games, and this has significantly expanded her knowledge of how global events work.

"I managed delegates from 183 countries setting up pre-event webinars, coordinating site visits, and planning and managing events. The experience offered me a profound understanding of the intricate workings behind the scenes and the extensive preparations involved." 


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