Strategic Plan 2021-2024
This Plan provides an outline for the future direction of the University. It commits to a number of University-wide objectives, establishes how we will achieve them and how we will report and measure our progress.
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategy 2021-2024
This document sets out a strategy for teaching, learning and assessment at University College Birmingham. The strategy informs the wider strategic planning process, curriculum plans and individual programme plans.
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategy
HR and People Strategy
The HR and People Strategy has been developed to be aligned to and facilitate the success of the Strategic Plan and the Teaching and Learning Strategy. Our aim is to achieve a people-centred culture within the University that protects and enhances our reputation and academic excellence in teaching.
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University College Birmingham comprises of four schools, which are responsible for delivering courses to students at all levels of study.
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Supported by a £200 million investment in new campuses, equipment and resources, University College Birmingham's facilities are nothing short of world class.
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Policies and regulations
Information regarding how University College Birmingham is governed, including documents on the University's strategy and management.
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Gender Pay Gap Report
Data on the gender pay gap, published in response to the University's responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010.
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Equality of opportunity
We work in a highly respected institution with people from diverse cultures, backgrounds and experiences.
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External examiners
External examiners are appointed to provide the University with impartial, independent advice and informed comment on our academic standards and student achievement.
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Student charter
Our student charter has been written by staff and students to clearly set out what we expect of each other and the responsibilities of all those within our community.
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