Sarah Darling

Sarah's Profile

Job title

Senior Lecturer

Academic qualifications

MA Education, PGCert Education, PGCert Advancing Healthcare Practice, BSc (Hons) Advanced Professional Studies, DipHE Nursing


0121 604 1000


I have been a registered nurse for the last 27 years working in acute medicine, accident and emergency, cardiology, general surgery and clinical education. I specialised in education completing a teaching qualification 13 years ago, where I continued to work as a clinical educator. I now work in academic practice and leadership in University College Birmingham as deputy head of department for nursing.

I work with a team that strives to support, develop and deliver education to aspiring nurses and allied health care professionals, ensuring best practice, evidence-based education and clinical training. Education facilitation is my passion and supporting student health care professionals as they progress through their journey in becoming qualified practitioners.

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