Rebecca's Profile
Job title
Academic qualifications
RN, PGCE, MSc Health and Wellbeing, FHEA
Job Role & Responsibilities
I am a lecturer on the Nursing Associates Level 4 and Level 5 Apprenticeship programme.
I qualified as a Registered Adult Nurse in 1993 at Queen Elizabeth Medical Centre, Birmingham. I have over 20 years of clinical experience working in trauma and orthopaedics, medical and surgical ward areas. I have also spent 18 years as a ward sister, ward manager and worked within a clinical night sister post.
- Multidisciplinary Clinical Skills and Simulation (Undergraduate and Postgraduate)
Research interests and scholarly activity
In 2023 I had an article published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) Open Quality on 'Speaking Up for Patient Safety and Staff Wellbeing'.
I am interested in Simulation Based Education (SBE) and I have completed a Realist Review article on XR Technologies within SBE.