Megan's Profile
Job title
Academic qualifications
BSc (Hons) Sport Therapy and Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Vocational Education
Competing both nationally and internationally as a track and field athlete for over 10 years, specialising in the heptathlon and 400m hurdles, I have always had a passion for sport.
This passion made me determined in both my education and career. Following injury and medical setbacks, I took early retirement from high level track and field and completed a BSc degree in Sports Therapy, strengthening my interest in a wide variety of sporting environments. After this, I developed my own sport therapy business, applying techniques from my degree and further continuing professional development to help athletes with injury prevention, sports massage therapy and rehabilitation.
Alongside my business, I became a graduate teaching assistant at University College Birmingham on the BSc/FdSc Sport Therapy course, a role I fulfilled while studying for my Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Vocational Education. This enabled me to continue to work alongside a number of specialised lecturers across a range of modules and observe and develop teaching styles and strategies, as well as develop further knowledge of sports therapy.
From this, I became a fellow of AdvanceHE in recognition of attainment against the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and learning.
I now teach Level 3 Sport Development, Coaching and Fitness and the Boxing Education (BoxED): Diploma in Sporting Excellence (DiSE) FE courses at UCB, taking on the roles of year one and two tutor and lead tutor. I specialise in modules including Sport and Exercise Massage, Sport Injuries, Principles of Anatomy and Physiology.
- Principles of Anatomy and Physiology
- Physiology of Fitness
- Practical Individual Sports Study
- Psychology for Sports Performance
- Work Experience in Sport
- Outdoor Adventurous Activities
- Sports Injuries
- Organising Sport Events
- Current Issues in Sport
- Sports Development
- Fitness Testing
- Fitness Training
- Sports Nutrition and Athletes Lifestyle.
External engagements
I am a sport therapist at MPD Therapy based at Emporium Gym, Birmingham, support British Athletics and teach first aid courses across the country for Oxford School of Sports Massage.