Jonathan's Profile
Job title
Academic qualifications
BSc (Hons) Human Biology, MSc Physiotherapy, PGcert in Higher Education
After qualifying as a physiotherapist, I completed several rotations before specialising in musculoskeletal physiotherapy. As a musculoskeletal physiotherapist I have worked in sport, privately (in the UK and overseas) and in the NHS, including at a major trauma centre. As a result, I have an interest in fracture management as well as optimising recovery following a variety of orthopaedic surgeries.
As a part of many of the positions described, I was a clinical educator. Having thoroughly enjoyed this responsibility, I have since moved into a lecturing role, where I can best support and prepare student physiotherapists.
- Human Anatomy and Physiology
- Health Across Lifespan
- Musculoskeletal Studies 1
- Musculoskeletal Studies 2
- Neurological Studies
Research interests and scholarly activity
Fracture management