Jane Watt

Jane's Profile

Job title


Academic qualifications

Certificate in Education


0121 604 1000


I trained in hairdressing and beauty after leaving school before moving to work in Jersey. I gained experience working alongside top stylists in a variety of salons and progressed up to senior stylist, and later Salon manager. I then moved from Jersey to the Isle of Man where I worked as a senior stylist and progressed onto managing and running a busy salon and training junior stylists. 

In September 1996, I studied at the Isle of Man College in Douglas for my 730/7FETC and D32-D33 assessors' award which resulted in my gaining part-time teaching in hairdressing alongside my salon work.

This lead to securing a post of Vocational Support Lecturer at University College Birmingham, gaining further teaching experience, and then the completion of teacher training qualifications. I completed my these qualifications and secured a lecturing post in hairdressing teaching in 2009.

Department of Creative Industries

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