Helen's Profile
Job title
Senior Lecturer
Academic qualifications
PGCE Post Compulsory Education and Training, PgCert Coaching and Mentoring in Education, BA Hons Sports Studies, MSc Weight Management
Job Role & Responsibilities
Programme Manager for Level 3 Health and Social Care
Prior to teaching, I worked as a fitness instructor and personal trainer in a number of health clubs. I also spent nearly 10 years in the NHS where I worked in public health department and was responsible for developing and delivering child and adult weight management programmes, focusing on physical activity, nutrition and behaviour change. I also worked as part of a specialist team with patients prior to obesity surgery.
I spent several years in higher education as a health behaviour mentor working on childhood obesity intervention goals. After leaving the NHS I entered the field of education and worked as a Health and Social Care and PSHE teacher in a secondary academy.
I currently work as senior lecturer for teaching and learning and for continuing professional development (CPD). This role involves the day to day management of the PgCert in Higher Education. I work across the University to deliver CPD to staff to improve teaching and learning practices.
- Nutrition
- Public Health
- Health Education
- Psychological Perspectives
- Working in Health and Social Care.
Research interests and scholarly activity
I am currently completing a Professional Doctorate in Education, where my focus is on exploring the transition of staff who enter academia from successful careers in other industries.
External engagements
- External Examiner for Bolton University
- Senior Fellowship of Advance HE