George Babalev

George's Profile

Job title

Lecturer in Sports Management

Academic qualifications

BSc (Hons) Sports Science with Management, Loughborough University


0121 604 1000


I entered academia after 8 years of experience in the sports sector, working for and with most of the stakeholders in the industry, and covering various roles such as club development, physical activity development, marketing and communications, project management and event management.

Throughout my sports development career I have worked for a local authority, county active partnerships, and several national governing bodies of sport. I have also been involved in projects with sport England, leisure centres, higher education establishments, schools and sports clubs, among others.


  • Level 6 Year Tutor
  • Finance & Economics of Sport - L4
  • Football & Contemporary Issues - L4
  • CWG2022 - L5
  • The Global Football Industry - L5
  • Investigative Journalism - L5
  • Sports Management Project - L6
  • Strategic Sports Event Management - L6

Research interests and scholarly activity

Research interests include:

  • Development of grass-roots sport and breaking down participation barriers.
  • Domestic and international sports economics and policy.
  • Exploring cultural differences in sports participation habits and their underlying reasons.
  • Sociology of deviance in sport, including doping, violence, match fixing, cheating.

External engagements

Sport forms a large part of my passions and interests – that includes watching, playing and coaching. I am a regular gym goer, volunteer for a community football project on Sundays and I am a qualified volleyball and bowls coach. My favourite sports include football, basketball, volleyball and athletics.

Apart from sports, I love spending time with my family, reading, cooking and pretending to do gardening.

Department of Sport and Nutrition

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