Emma's Profile
Job title
Academic qualifications
BSc (Hons), RNDip HE
I completed my RN Dip HE in 1998 and qualified as an Adult Nurse. I worked on a busy Gynaecology ward after qualifying as a Nurse.
I later went on to study my BSc Hons degree in Midwifery and worked as hospital based midwife on a rotational contract. Where I worked for 6 or 12 month periods on delivery, antenatal and postnatal Areas. I also was appointed as the epilepsy specialist Midwife and taught parent education. I have also worked with Health visiting teams teaching new parents baby massage and worked in children centres.
More recently I have updated my nursing registration and have been based at busy Birmingham hospital.
I teach Award, Certificate and Extended Diploma groups for the CACHE Level 3 in Health and Social Care. I currently teach Anatomy and Physiology, Infection Prevention and Control in Health and Social Care, Human Growth and Development, Equality, Diversity and Rights, Reflective Practice, Working in Health and Social Care.