Dr Andrew Chappell

Andrew's Profile

Job title


Academic qualifications

PhD Human Nutrition, MSc Human Nutrition, BSc (Hons) Sport & Exercise Science, PGCert Teaching

Job Role & Responsibilities

Teaching and project supervision.


0121 604 1000


I'm a performance nutritionist with a focus on working with strength, power and physique athletes. Most of my research is focused on nutrition and it's effect on exercise performance. I have a BSc (Hons) in Sport and Exercise Science from Herriot Watt Edinburgh, a MSc in Human Nutrition from the University of Aberdeen and a PhD in Human Nutrition from the Rowett Institute.

My PhD was focused on the colonic microbiota and maximizing cereals for human health. I've taught around the United Kingdom in Sheffield and Aberdeen. I am also a successful entrepreneur and run my own events company and nutritional consultation business.


Anatomy and Physiology, Research for Food and Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Research Project, Contemporary Issues in Food and Nutrition, Culinary Skills for Nutrition.

Research interests and scholarly activity

Interests: Nutrition and the effects on exercise performance, dietary supplements, weight loss strategies, the gut microbiota, and eating attitudes amongst athletes

For Publications See:


External engagements

Nutritional consultant and business owner

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