Governance, Organisation and Management
This section includes information relating to the way the University is governed including documents on the University's strategy and management.
Carbon Management
This section contains information on the University's Carbon Management Plan.
Modern Slavery Act Statement
This section contains the University College Birmingham Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement.
Human Resources
This section covers information on the University's strategy and management of human resources. The information includes personnel policies and procedures.
Student Administration and Support
This section covers information on how the University manages the administration and progression of students from admission to course completion, including student services.
Information Services
This section covers policies and procedures relating to library services and information technology including UCB Online, the University's VLE.
Learning, Teaching and Assessment
This section covers information on the management of learning and teaching processes and on examination and assessment including policies, procedures and regulations.
Quality and Curriculum Development
This section covers information regarding the management of quality and curriculum development. This includes internal and external mechanisms for reviewing and ensuring quality of the curriculum and teaching provided.
Regulatory Documents
The section covers essential compliance and procedural information.
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Fees and funding
Whether you need advice on childcare, bursaries, scholarships or free meals, we have people who can help.
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Withdrawing from or deferring (suspending) your course
If you enrol and subsequently withdraw or defer (suspend) you will be charged fees irrespective of how early in the academic year you wi…
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Student charter
Our student charter has been written by staff and students to clearly set out what we expect of each other and the responsibilities of all those within our community.
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Quality and enhancement
Student survey results, external reports and customer service policy.
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Equality of opportunity
We work in a highly respected institution with people from diverse cultures, backgrounds and experiences.
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Charitable status
University College Birmingham (UCB) is an exempt charity subject to the provisions of the Charities Act 2011.
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Data protection resources (GDPR)
Details regarding University College Birmingham’s data protection resources (GDPR) including key definitions of the Data Protection Act and other resources.
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Gender Pay Gap Report
Data on the gender pay gap, published in response to the University's responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010.
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External examiners
External examiners are appointed to provide the University with impartial, independent advice and informed comment on our academic standards and student achievement.
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Strategic plans
Documents setting out our strategy for teaching, learning and assessment at University College Birmingham.
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