June 2024

Enriched global learning experiences underway at University

By Carrie Mok

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A new partnership between the Symbiosis School of Culinary Arts (SSCA) in India and University College Birmingham will strengthen academic experiences for students with a special new programme.

The initiative was marked with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)  between the SSCA, part of Symbiosis International (Deemed University), and University College Birmingham. The event was facilitated by Gresham Global, the authorised representative of the University in India and South Asia, and the Symbiosis Centre of International Education.

SSCA students will complete their first 2 years of the BSc Hospitality and Culinary Management degree from Symbiosis International University (SIU) and enrich their academic experience with a transfer to University College Birmingham to complete the last 2 years of the BA Hons in Culinary Management, including an internship in the UK. 

Professor Michael Harkin, Vice-Chancellor and Principal, said: "This memorandum of understanding reflects our mutual dedication to fostering global learning experiences and preparing students for success in the ever-evolving field of culinary arts. Being one of the very elite Universities of India, with the excellence that Symbiosis excel in, particularly in the field of culinary sciences in India, University College Birmingham feel honoured and privileged to be in a formal partnership in culinary and other wide ranging curriculum programmes, together with student and staff exchanges going forward." 

"I am excited that both our student and academic staff communities at University College Birmingham will be able to learn from and share the rich and diverse cultures and culinary offer of India. We at University College Birmingham look forward to leveraging our expertise and resources to provide SSCA students with enriching academic experiences, both in the UK and in India, across culinary and other academic programmes."

Professor Michael Harkin Vice-Chancellor and Principal

At the end of the 4 years, students will receive 2 undergraduate degrees from both universities respectively. Students will also be awarded special scholarships as part of the partnership.

This pathway offers students the advantage of receiving two qualifications and the training from two renowned culinary training providers, enhancing their skills and diversifying their expertise and experience.

The memorandum will also lead to academic exchange and growth, facilitating faculty exchanges between SSCA and University College Birmingham promoting cross-cultural learning and development.

Dr. Vidya Yeravdekar, Pro Chancellor, Symbiosis International (Deemed University) stated "This partnership marks a significant milestone in our pursuit of providing world-class education and global opportunities to our students. Through this collaboration, our students will have the unique opportunity to study a part of their undergraduate program at UCB's campus in the UK, benefiting from its rich academic quality, state-of-the-art facilities and internship/job opportunities. I am happy that we have found an academic partner who matches the academic rigour and industry-relevant education we provide our students at SSCA. The exchange of faculty will further enrich cross-cultural teaching and collaborative research at both institutions."

Founded in 2016 the SSCA was the first school in the country to offer qualifications in culinary science and arts. With a state-of-the-art world-class campus infrastructure, the institute is equipped with modern practical learning labs and Asia's largest Studio Kitchen. It caters to the needs of the food industry, training and developing specialist culinary professionals. Their flagship Bachelor's degree in Culinary Arts at SSCA has been one of the most sought-after culinary degrees in the country.

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