This page explains about how University College Birmingham ensures that all work undertaken and examinations sat by our students are considered fairly.
University College Birmingham places a great importance on ensuring that all students have an equal opportunity to do well. There are a number of practices in place to support this.
Academic misconduct
Cheating, collusion, plagiarism (including the use of AI) and other breaches of the Assessment Regulations are taken very seriously by University College Birmingham.
For further information about plagiarism, please see University College Birmingham's Code of Practice on Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct. UCB's disciplinary procedures relating to assessment offences are shown in the General Student Regulations.
In the event that you are involved in any allegation of an assessment offence, you may wish to seek advice from the Guild of Students.
Ensuring that the grades you are awarded are fair
All assessments are subject to both internal and external verification. This means that the marks awarded for assessments will be checked and verified both by internal and external verifiers to ensure that they are consistent, fair and in line with national standards.
The certificate for your qualification
On successful completion of a course, all students are awarded a certificate. Your tutor can provide, on request, a reference which includes information about placements, prizes or other achievements.
The Registry will post your certificate to the address on your Student Record identified as "Permanent". If it does not arrive in the post by the end of November, then please contact who can organise one free replacement for you within six months of the completion of your course. You should update your address if you change it because if the certificate is posted to an incorrect address, you will have to pay for a replacement.
If a student requires a letter to confirm academic progress within the academic year and before final results have been published, students can contact their Group Tutor for this. Registry may also be able to provide a letter confirming a student’s current status if required.
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If things go wrong
This page tells you what can happen if you fail a module and also how to apply for Late Submission of Work or make an appeal.
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Work placements (FE)
University College Birmingham is one of the largest providers of placements in the UK.
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Learning experience
In this section we tell you how to improve the presentation and the quality of your academic work. There are also some simple ‘rules and regs’ intended to ensure a more ha…
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Policies and Procedures
University College Birmingham corporate principle: ‘Service Before Self’ applies to all through: fairness, justice, equality, respect and dignity.
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Health, Safety and Welfare Policies
It is the responsibility of each and every employee to work in a safe way and such that he/she does not cause risk to him/herself or other employees or thi…
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Other important information
Throughout your studies here, we will issue you with questionnaires to help us monitor your level of satisfaction with the course and University College Birmingham…
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Terms and Conditions
The University College Birmingham terms and conditions can be read through or downloaded here.
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