The purpose of assessment
Over your course of study you will be assessed using a variety of techniques. Assessment plays a significant role in your learning experience. It aims to:
- Measure the outcome of your learning, in terms of the knowledge you have acquired, your understanding of a particular subject area and the skills you have gained;
- Provide you with feedback on your progress which will assist you in improving your performance;
- Enable your lecturers and course managers to monitor your progress and the quality of the course in general.
Types of assessment
Typically, assessments involve coursework of various kinds, tests and examinations. They may also involve practical assessments and, depending on your course, assessments in the workplace. Lecturers may, at their discretion, modify the method of assessment to allow achievement of the learning outcomes in cases where a student has an identified learning need.
All units contain assessment in a form which is designed to guarantee that the work you produce is your own, unless it involves a team activity, in which case the extent you are allowed to collaborate and collude will be directed by your lecturer. The assessment should enable you to develop your knowledge base of a particular industry or vocational context and a range of subject-specific skills.
Your lecturers will provide an outline of each unit's assessment(s) at the start of the teaching course.
Students must complete a range of coursework as part of their course; essays, reports, team-work, presentations and case studies are all types of coursework. We usually call written coursework and practical exercises that are to be formally assessed ‘assignments’. Assignments are normally launched during teaching.
Handing in assignments
Most assignments must be submitted online through Canvas. You must ensure that you leave ample time to submit your assignment. In some cases, alternative methods of submission will be needed, but you will be notified of this.
Once you submit your assignment, you should receive a receipt on which the exact time of your submission is logged. This provides you with proof that you handed in your work and may prove valuable in the rare cases when assignments are misplaced. The burden of proof of submission of a particular assignment will lie with you. There are some courses where you will be permitted to send your assignment by post or email. You must follow carefully the instructions provided by the Tutor approving this, and must keep a copy of the assignment.
Querying a coursework grade
If you have a query on the grade awarded to a piece of coursework or the feedback provided on it, please make an appointment to meet with your unit tutor. During this time, the tutor can go through the assignment with you and address any concerns that you have. Most issues can be sorted out at this stage.
Attendance at examinations
Students should not make any holiday arrangements or, for overseas students, book tickets to leave the UK before any published examination period. It may not be possible to reschedule any examination a student may miss under these circumstances, which may result in failure of the examination. If this situation is unavoidable then please contact your lecturer as soon as possible.
Students are reminded that the completion of exams does not mean that they are completely free to begin holidays, etc. Within the published term dates, students may be required to attend resit examinations or to provide additional information which would help in the decision making process. You must make yourself available within the term dates for such activities.
Examination venues
If students are scheduled to sit an examination in a location outside of the University College Birmingham Buildings, maps are available on Canvas and from the Examinations Unit (Third Floor, The Link).
Student Code of Conduct for Examinations
University College Birmingham places a great deal of importance on the conduct of examinations and in ensuring that all students have an equal opportunity to do well. The information below will help students to be ready for their examinations:
- Students must bring their University College Birmingham identity card to every examination that they attend.
- During an examination you are not allowed to use any mobile device, earbuds, watch etc.,
- Students must bring their own stationery for the examination in a clear pencil case or bag.
- Possession of any unauthorised material during the examination will be reported and will be considered evidence of an attempt by the student to complete the examination by unfair means.
- Only bottled water (labels removed) will be allowed in the exam venue.
- Students are required to use only approved examination booklets and stationery.
- Any student who leaves the examination room without the permission of the invigilator will be deemed to have withdrawn from the examination and will not be readmitted to the examination room.
- If a student wishes to communicate with an invigilator, they should raise their hand and wait until the invigilator is able to attend.
- No student will communicate with another student in the examination room or attempt to complete their script by unfair means.
- At the end of the examination, Students must remain seated until an invigilator has collected all the scripts.
- In all cases, the exam rules of the awarding body will take precedence.
Adverse weather conditions during examinations
In the event of adverse weather, it should be assumed that exams will continue as timetabled. Where a student claims to be affected by such conditions and is unable to take the exam they should contact their Group Tutor.
Additional support
If a student requires special support or facilities to undertake an examination, such as additional time or large print, he or she should contact the Academic Skills Centre as soon as possible so that suitable arrangements can be made.
Discover more

Assessment fairness and marking (FE)
This page explains about how University College Birmingham ensures that all work undertaken and examinations sat by our students are considered fairly.
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If things go wrong
This page tells you what can happen if you fail a module and also how to apply for Late Submission of Work or make an appeal.
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Work placements (FE)
University College Birmingham is one of the largest providers of placements in the UK.
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Learning experience
In this section we tell you how to improve the presentation and the quality of your academic work. There are also some simple ‘rules and regs’ intended to ensure a more ha…
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Policies and Procedures
University College Birmingham corporate principle: ‘Service Before Self’ applies to all through: fairness, justice, equality, respect and dignity.
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Terms and Conditions
The University College Birmingham terms and conditions can be read through or downloaded here.
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